CRE 151 Key Findings about Black immigrants in the U.S.


CRE 151 Key Findings about Black immigrants in the U.S.

1.      Black immigrant population climbs to 4.6 million  in 2019 from about 800,000 in 1980.

a.      Accounted for 19% of overall growth of Black population which increased by 20 million during same period

b.      Projected to account for roughly a third of Black populations growth through 2060

2.      Sizeable share of Black Americans have recent immigrant connections

a.      In addition to 12% of Black people born in a foreign country -9% more are second-generation Americans (meaning they were born in U.S., with at least one parent foreign-born)

b.      These two groups account for 21% of the Black population, but still lower than foreign born Hispanic or Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

3.      About half of all black immigrants arrived in U.S. after 2000

a.      31% came to U.S. between 2010 and 2019

b.      27% between 2000-2009

c.      Compared to all immigrants where about half have immigrated to u.s. since 2000 and a quarter between 2010 and 2009, and another quarter who did so between 2000 and 2009.

4.      Among Black immigrants -year of immigration differs by birth region

a.      African-born Black immigrants stand out as they are more recent arrivals to U.S.

                                                              i.      3/4ths immigrated in 2000 or later

                                                             ii.      Over four in ten (43%) arriving between 2010 and 2019

b.      Blacks from the Caribbean, central America or Mexico or South America -came to U.S.  earlier than their African-born counterparts -with the majorities of all three regions arriving before 2000.


5.      Number of Blacks from Africa living in U.S. more than tripled from 2000 to 2019.

a.      Between 2000 and 2019 Black African immigrant population grew 246% from about 600,000 to 2.0 million

b.      People of African origin now make up 42 % of the country’s foreign born Black population, up from just 23% in 2000.

c.      Caribbean remains most common region of Birth for U.S. Black immigrants -just under half of foreign born black population born in this region (46%)

                                                              i.      Leading countries Jamaica, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago

6.      Jamaica and Haiti are top countries of origin for Black Immigrants

a.      These two countries accounted for 31 % of U.S. black immigrant population in 2019 (16% and 15% respectively)

b.      This was down from the 39% in 2000

c.      Highlighting the continued growth of diversity among Black immigrants

d.      Nigeria and Ethiopia were the next most common birthplaces in 2019

                                                              i.      Roughly 390,000 and 260,000 respectively

7.      Share of black foreign-born bachelors and advanced degree holders has increased by 10% since 2000

a.      In 2000 there were 13% ba, and 8% ma or higher, these increased to 18 % and 12 % respectively in 2019.

b.      Between 2000 and 2019 the share of black immigrants with at least a bachelor’s degree increased faster than other populations in this analysis

c.      A third of Black immigrants ages 25 and older (31%) had at least a b.a. in 2019, up from 21% in 2000.

d.      This was larger than the Black U.S. born population (8 points) and the entire U.S. born population 9 points and the entire immigrant population 9 points.

8.      Overall Black immigrants earn college degrees at a similar rate to all U.S. immigrants (31 vs. 33% among those 25 and older in 2019)

9.      New York city has largest Black immigrant population of any metro area with 1.1 million in 2019

10.  Followed by Miami metro with 490,000, then Dc with 260,000

a.      Other top metro areas include Atlanta, Boston, Houston, and Dallas.


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