The Innocent

Trapped between the righteous and the indignant
Ignored, crying out in pain and disaster
Bombs, bullets, death and tears prevail
as the choir sings -Oh happy day.

Broken bodies and distorted futures
Shouts of protests drowned in cries for revenge
Silent disdain for those who have no voice
Lost in the madness of retribution.

You killed my mother for killing your father
Your grandfather raped my sister, I stole your brother
They kidnapped my uncle, I murdered your cousin
as the choir sings - Another lost year.

A baby's arm, a mother's leg, a father weeps
A bomb explodes, a body torn, a life destroyed
A crowd assembles, a nation sheds a tear
Another day, another year, another lost opportunity.

Decades of revenge, blood, tears and sadness
Draped in the clouds of forgetfulness
Denied the possibility of forgiveness
Death in the midst of expedience. 

Cycles of revenge and retribution
Circles of death and disaster
Convoluted plans of destruction
Critical reflections of nothingness.

Hope abandoned on the shores of hopelessness
Futures lost on the mountains of despair
Past negates any relevant discussion
Death, pain, and suffering decreed for the innocent. 


  1. 'Denied the possibility of forgiveness'; Derrida explained that people of African descent have a track record of the forgiveness of the unforgivable; whereas the religions of the book make exceptions for the which is unforgivable when they pray for forgiveness of others. Tutu and Tutu retorted that there is no such thing as the unbforgivable under the philosophy of Ubuntu. Let them eat breakfast daily to be calmer, as the Panthers and Mandela taught us.


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