Maybe I did something right


Each semester, as I end the semester, I wonder just what impact I have had.  I read the student evaluations and am reminded that the Professor's mission and the Student's might not always be the same.  Consistently I am rebuked by students for demanding a lot of work, writing.  Consistently they complain about the content and the context.  How can it be any different when the subject of the class is Critical Race Theory and Ethnicity.  

The student is often caught between the political context as even their Parents might be concerned or even object to the subject of this course.  Yet we teach it because we are determined to fight on three if not four fronts.  We, those of us who are dedicated to the truth.  Oh, yes, we get the lowest evaluations..but sometimes, just sometimes..we get an email such as this..

Greetings Dr. Coates, I wanted to reach out and thank you for your brilliant lectures this past semester. I have learned much more in this one course than in any other course in my academic career. Growing up without a father figure in my life has definitely taken a negative toll on my well being; However, you were able to fill a bit of that void for me by serving as an example of what a black man should be for his community. For this Dr. Coates I am greatly appreciative, for you have opened my eyes and showed me what I too am capable of if I work hard enough. Thank you.


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