Happy Birthday Mom


Today is My Mom's Birthday...today she would have been 92 years old...Moma G...taught me how to exist in a crazy world without going insane, she taught me how to survive the hard times and the hard situations, she taught me how to ignore the fools and to learn from the wise. My Mom taught me how to draw strength from God, the beauty of Jesus in her and my life, and that I had to find and know both God and Jesus for my self. This daughter of a preacher man knew how to withstand without loosing your self, how to be still in the middle of the storm, how to pray your way through, and how to make it come hell or high water. My mother was not a saint, but she damn near an angel. You see, there were those that advised my mom to abort me -having two children back to back was way too much for her and a struggling family. She said hell no to the negativity, and at times fed me with food that should have been hers. On this the anniversary of her birth...I acknowledge that whatever I have become, whatever I will do -that is good ..comes from her. Momma - I will forever cherish the love you held for me.  

"Momma G's Sunset 


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