Everything's Gonna Be Alright

We spend a lot of time talking about, being frustrated with, and frantically in pursuit of it...yet..it too is all around us. I wonder if we would just be still, non-judgmentally accepting would we allow it to find us. Perhaps it's our very pursuit of love that makes it so unattainable, perhaps it's our very domineeringly dogmatic ways that makes it so elusive, perhaps it's our persistently myopic notions regarding it that makes it unknowable, perhaps it's our unwillingness to for once not be so self-absorbed....perhaps if we just relax and let go, exist and coexist, and seek to exist free within the cosmic scheme of everything...then perhaps love will find us...Oh, yes..and sometimes just look up..This was there to greet me this brand-new day...Everything's Gonna Be Alright 

 Some folks just can't stand for you to stand. So in spite of the insanity, in spite of the rejection, and in spite of what your frenemies would have you believe...damn skippy..."Everything's Gonna Be Alright "

So how exactly do I know, what is the basis of my assurance...well, been around the block a couple of times, seen a few things...and I know that like karma, what goes around comes around. So, if you put out negative stuff. Then negative stuff comes back at you, but if you put out positive vibes. Then the universe aligns itself around ensuring that you will reap what you sow...

And "Everything's Gonna Be Alright "

I mean, come on now! Why is it that when you don't need any money, everybody trying to give you some. But when you need it, ain't none to be found? Cool, ups and downs, in and out...I know "Everything's Gonna Be Alright "

You know some of those jokers never liked you anyway, so why be surprised when they gloat at your apparent fall...it's only momentary...cause "Everything's Gonna Be Alright "

When all hell breaks loose, when blues wakes you up in the morning, when pain walks alongside you. Understand that you can allow this to make you bitter or better...and Know "Everything's Gonna Be Alright"


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