Another Day - a poem for Denise


Yesterday, I walked in circles
Wondering where and when I would find my way.
I talked to strangers looking for new games to play
Staying just long enough to hear them say
it's not happening, maybe another day.

Caught up in the insanity of nothingness
seeking joy within corners of forgetfulness
stolen moments in the wake of happenstances
strangers lost on the isle of impossible chances
and then clouds of confusion declare another day.

The rain filled the moments, thunder roars above
wind rips asunder veils of complacency
silence is nowhere to be found
solace abandoned for the sake of convenience
it ain't happening, maybe another day.

A voice sounds in the middle of the madness
a clarion call within my soul 
two moments now within one
two conversations, two realities
sunshine's into this moment, this day -
don't have to wait for another day.


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