And No I did not forget -A poem for Denise

How could I, I mean it is that moment in time
when I recall where I was just a few months ago
lost, trapped in that place, in that yesterday
seems like it was forever but it was just then that
you appeared, you walked or floated or just bam
the light shined, the sky cleared, and you were there.

I call you sunshine because you brought light into my dim world 
I had my joy, but I walked alone, I had no one to share that joy with
I wondered and wandered and questioned if this was it, if this was all
yet I walked, I talked, I sought, and I asked -where shall I find what I seek
I stopped looking, I stopped wandering, I stopped wondering and I looked up

the sky was clear, the words were dear, the conversation floated into my very soul
we talked with each other, we talked to each other, we listened as we walked a new path
there in the desert an oasis appeared, water for quenched souls, laughter and banter
solace and understanding, being and something, light and blessings
spiritual connections, soul transformations, life affirmations.

Here in this moment in time, in this never-ending rapture of reality I hear the song of angels
sweet, serenades capturing the essence of the universe, draped in the rainbow of promises,
long shared before time, before now's, before ever there was a tear, there in that moment before moments
the light wrapped around time itself, brilliance upon brilliance spreading into eternity
there in that space between eternities how could I, no I did not forget.   


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