Religion vs Church: the Five pillars of Sacrifice


When I was young, I went to church and sought to see what God had in store for me. 

I went to be entertained, to be edified, and to be. 

 Then, as a young adult, I fell away, as I found that the perfect little community was not so perfect,

 that the folks there had many problems,

 and that the preachers, singers, deacons, mothers, and fathers were all too human. 

 Then as I matured, I again walked into that building -not looking but trying to give,

 help, and serve. As a mature person,

 I realized I had been given much and had to give even more. 

 So, now my church experience is richer 

as I have learned to give more than I take. 

 In that way, I have learned the difference between a religion and a church. Religion is transactional, and the church is relational. This relation requires that I understand that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, a son who sacrificed for us, and what our duty is to sacrifice. 

This journey has taught me the 5 pillars of sacrifice: And they are:

1) Tithing is a specific amount (10% of your income) you give first. 

2) Offerings are our expression and acknowledgment of how He has blessed us.  It is an expression of gratitude, praise, and a recognition that we have been truly blessed and favored. 

3) Gifts are our way of Giving back to God. It is an expression of thankfulness and praise to God.  It is an intentional way of exceeding the expectations of either tithing or offerings and saying thanks for all God has done. When you give, it is not transactional.  You do not expect anything in return.  You are honoring what has been given to you. 

4) Rendering your Talents in service

God has given us talents -the ability to sing, dance, speak, heal, teach, build, cook, decorate, etc.  

5) Praise God inhabits our praise.  One of the most precious sacrifices we can render unto god is the gift of our praise.  Praise Him when you are sad and glad. Praise Him when you celebrate and when you lose.  Praise Him just because He is worthy of our praise.  


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