Let Your Light so shine


Thanks to the God of the universe, those who have continually supported me, and the 100k+ unknown readers.  Wow.  What can I say?


To those annoyed at my consistency, my tenacity, my ghetto stubbornness to dare shine the spotlight on my accomplishments.  I have but one thing to say…I am who I am..I will not shut up and dribble, I will not be silent.


Since the Africans first appeared on the shores of America, they have been told to keep silent, do their work, and be still.  They have been told that whatever they need -the massa will provide.  But the enslaved were not quiet, they were not cajoled into complacency, and they damn sure did not stay in their place.  No, they shouted, proclaimed, and reclaimed their dignity, they celebrated their accomplishments, and they “pissed off” their captors.

I am reminded of what Mathew says:

 Matthew 5:16

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."12.


And so, here I am..letting my light shine..100K+ readers, what can I say..but thanks..



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