Learn to heal


Blood stains the holy lands.
Threats and egos ride the plains.
Tweeted policy replaces diplomacy.
As beggars crowding corners decry.

Missiles fly and babies' cry.
Mothers die, fathers wonder why.
Revenge retaliates against yesterday's sin.
Thousands flee but there's only tragedy.

Rape, pillage, destroy and kill.
Evil cloaked in nationalism, religious piety and deception. 
Reclamation of what was lost in hell's disasters.
Prophets of doom shout again, again. 

Hope tweaked from tiny remnants.
Victories gleaned between idle moments.
Prayers assail any GOD’S who'll listen.
Maybe it’s time we sought forgiveness.

Redemption songs of freedom linger.
Diverse Voices in chorus's render
Dreams struggling uphill.
Perhaps today we'll learn to heal.


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