Just Like That! Denise's 4th poem

Without plan, purpose, or intent
an Angel dropped into my world.
Within minutes, seconds became hours
and hours became days, and days became months.

There in that space between time
your voice captured my heart.

Frighteningly, overwhelmingly exotically
you ascended into that place
long ago that had been vacant
sunshine filled the darkness.

A breath of fresh air, dreams within the madness
 A sigh of relief, wonderfully, amazingly, surprisingly.

Our conversations travel the globe 
the depths of which untold
realities unfold, new horizons come 
into view as we discover each other.

Against the backdrop of all that was
my spirit wonders, is this real.

Then, in that space between yesterday and tomorrow
when darkness yields to light, anxiety to trust
when a new day dawns in the mist of chaos
the fog clears and i see you, my spiritual twin.

Just Like That!


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