Crises of fairh


All religious tracks/dogma can be used to distort the message. Did not Satan use scriptures to lure Adam and Eve, and then to try to confound and confuse Christ. Here is the simple message from Christ -Know that you all are the Sons/Daughters of God. Believe this and you will be saved. Jesus had an epiphany that we as the descendants of Adam and Eve are born of and by God. That we had access to God without any middle men (priest, rabbi, minister, etc.). He observed how these had placed a damn in the flow of the "Holy Spirit" thus none were being saved and none were finding God. His mission was to remove this blockage, he gave his life because he dared to confront the religious elites of his day. Now we have another set of dogmatic renderings of the message, and for many the way to God is blocked with dogma.

As a young man, I thought I knew it all. I mean, I had been to war, I had seen a thing or two, I was full of myself. I came to the startling realization that I actually thought that I was all that and a bag of chips. I walked away from my faith, a faith that had generated two preachers (both my Grandfathers), a priest and a deacon, several staunch mothers and other pillars of the church. But, I wasn't having none of that. So there I was, and in comes this Preacher Man who dared me to confront God. Dared me to take a 30 day fast, dutifully pray 3 times a day for God to show up. I have always been a sucker for a challenge, then he "Double Dogged Dared" me to try God. So I did. And guess what....God showed up. Yes, I talk to God (call me crazy)..but after my crisis of faith, God spoke to my spirit. And I began to see God in all things, everyplace I looked, I was overwhelmed with the essence of God.  


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