AGILE -Framework for Transformative practices in education


What is a leader?

A problem solver 

A organuzee

A resource acquisition specialist

A servant

Change is constant, but transformation is rare. How do we transform our institutions to maximize diversity, resources, and opportunities? Often, we are forced to change as people, resources, and opportunities change. We must constantly adjust to the ever-changing environment in which we operate. But how do we do more than react? How do we initiate action that not only deals with these changes but anticipates them and, in many ways, precludes them?

We cannot consistently react, failing to plan, anticipate, or initiate policies, procedures, and activities that promote growth and innovation.  Change is reactive, and transformation is active.  Change is important; transformation is essential if we are to do more than survive but thrive.  Transformation leadership requires us to consistently be agents of positive and intentional change that expands possibilities, abilities, and realities for our various constituencies. 

Some continue to do the same things and expect different results. They operate in ignorance, fail to plan, and pursue agendas not based on intentionality, renewal, and dedicated service to their constituencies. Progress, however, recognizes that transformative practices produce sustainable, deliberate, and successful strategies that are predictable, scalable, and reliable.  


Assessment - what does the data say.  Adaptive -what are the contingencies, limitations, and resources at your disposal? 

Goals—What do your people (teachers, staff, parents, youth) say? What is the end game? 

Inclusiveness -collaborative engagement -Everyone, every position, every stakeholder, and every student must be engaged. The process must lead to better access and success for all levels. 

Leader-servants-focused decision-making with measurable change—Leaders are first and foremost servants. Their decisions must be geared toward their stakeholders, not self- or self-preservation. The most important persons in the system are the students, parents, teachers, and staff.  

Engaged Excellence - Excellence must be measurable, attainable, and accessible at all levels, among all groups, and for all stakeholders.



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