When I was Silent


First, they came for the LGBTQ+ individuals,  

and I did not speak out—because I was not a gay.

Then they banned abortion, books and the pill, abortions and gender affirming surgery,
 and I did not speak out—because I was too busy watching the birds fly. 

Then they pushed the undocumented strangers out, forcing them to live in hovels, 
cross barbed wire fences, and I did not speak out because my people have been here for
3 generations.

Then they came for the Palestinians, the Haitians, the Ukrainians, 
and I did speak out because I was too obsessed with my own stuff, 
and really did not care about these foreigners. 

They wrapped themselves in the flag, preached patriotisms, and declared themselves
the warriors of god - I said nothing because I was confused. 

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me


  1. As it has been said, if we don't know history we are doomed to repeat it. Thank you, Rodney, for this application of wisdom from those who did not speak out during the rise of the Nazi's in Germany.


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