Greet the Sunrise


The Book of Isaiah is one of many interesting and intriguing books in the Bible.  What I find to be most interesting and intriguing is that while much of the book concerns problems, plagues, judgement, wrath, wars, and destruction these are interspersed with promise, abundance, redemption, love, peace, and restoration.  So while the children of Israel were being punished for their determination to not follow God, God is determined to redeem them no matter what.  So in the middle of the storm, He provides a rainbow.  In the middle of distress, He provides a safe haven.  And in the middle of condemnation, He provides a path toward salvation.  So, no matter where you have fallen, no matter what you sins you may be guilty of -God is faithful, He is forgiving, and He has promised that you will never be forsaken or without Hope.

From Isaiah 60:1: we read.

Arise, Shine, for your light has come

    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

See, darkness covers the earth

    and thick darkness is over the peoples,

but the Lord rises upon you

   his glory appears over you..

So even though night may be approaching, the Sunrise is there as God's assurance of His love..

Never would have made it on my own...


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