It' Ain't Over - Going in circles

It' Ain't - Going in Circles

First of all, I am far from being perfect.  In fact, I am about the most imperfect person you will probably come across.  But I am a fast learner.  Why this is important will soon become apparent, maybe.  A bit of history - I am what many would call the black sheep of the family.  This means that I did not follow the pattern, I frequently colored outside the lines, and rarely abided by the rules -until I discovered that I was not impervious to said rules, patterns or lines.  My mother used to caution me that "If I made my bed hard, then I would just have to roll over that much more."  My father had one rule "if I screwed up, got in trouble, and was arrested -Do not call him, It was on me.".  So needless to say I find myself giving the same advice to my young relatives.  One in particular who seems to have a hard head.  So let's see.  

Homeboy, selling drugs decided, about a year ago, that he would use Facebook to let his "clients" know that "he was holding and to come on through".  I said "What the hell".  Posted on this and his timeline, "Slow your roll, don't be a fool"  He ignored this and within a few months was indeed under arrest.  "Duh".  I was contacted by family far and wide, homeboy needed financial assistance.  I said "sure why not" surely he has learned his lesson.  My mother and father, in heaven, must have been shaking their heads.  Well, according to his statement the police had confiscated something like 100k and such, and because he had no visible means of support assumed "these were ill gotten gains".  Ok.  Lesson learned -right -not.  Kid gets out of jail, promising he would contact me and make everything right.  

No contact..nothing was right.  Again, within 6 months homeboy is again in jail - again sale and distribution of drugs.  Again, I and others in the family render aid and advice.  Again, promises with no back up.

Now, the pattern repeats, homeboy is again in jail.  Notice, he has yet to stand trial on the other 2 sets of offences, and now -along with others have been busted in a meth house, facing multiple counts relating to the sale and distribution of drugs.  Again, I get the frantic calls. My response...see above.  Enough already.  If you refuse to follow the patterns, color in the lines, abide by the rules then you must face the consequences. And, don't waste your time contacting me..cause sometimes you need to be sat down for you to listen.  Until you do you will not hear...Oh, one last thing. If you keep doing the same thing and expect a different result, you need to check yourself..."It Ain't Over"



  1. Believing in the good in all has its limitations. Hope "homeboy" recovers (and makes you whole).


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