Let Go and Let God -Are you serious.


So often, I hear someone say they envy me and want to be me. My response invariably is, "Don't be envious, for I got this far by failure, faith, and grace. Yes, I have a Bachelor's, two Master's, and a Ph.D.  But this has been a bumpy ride with many twists, turns, and restarts." So while my ancestors kicked down walls and barricades, my road has not been a bed of roses.

It's raining, the sky is cloudy, and it seems all is doom and gloom. I find it most difficult to get past the melancholy in times like this, days like this. Then I am reminded of what I have heard so often. "Let go and let God." But what does it mean to do this? 

For many people, these ideas need to be revised. They tend to feel that their efforts cease once they give it to God. And then, when their prayers are not answered, their situation is not resolved, and they essentially lose the war. They blame God. Angry, frustrated, and now distraught, they go through spirals of negativity, failure mounts upon failure, and they lose all faith. To avoid these spirals of negativity, might I suggest:

1)We must determine if it's in the will of God.

2) We must determine if it is in the time of God.

3) We must determine if we are doing our part.


Starting with the first one: We must determine if it's in the Will of God. I am reminded of Jesus confronted with his humanity and God's will said. Father, please take this cup of suffering away from me if you are willing. (Luke 22: 421) But, without hesitation, he prayed: "Not my will but thy will be done." (Luke 22:42). We are also reminded that as he gave us the model prayer, Jesus remarked: Hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be one, on earth as it is in heaven." (Mathew 6: 9-10)  But what is God's will?


"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)

So, we are to be joyful, prayerful, and thankful. And by doing this, we can accomplish the will of God. Wow, I can do that.   

But there is always a but. This does not mean that only when things go my way, only when I am victorious or accomplish my purpose. But, it does mean that when I lose, am a failure, and am in my lowest moment -it is here, now, in this place, where I am to be joyful, prayerful, and thankful. If, in the worst of times, in the valley of despair, we can find joy, be grateful, and glorify the Father, then yes, indeed, we will be in the will of God. 




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