Surprise -you've got Covid...

 For the past three days, I have had a slight cough, chills, nausea, and body aches. Thinking nothing of I t, just a cold or mild case of the flu, I told myself, so I took some Dayquil and decided to ride it out. I mean, I had all of my shots -and boosters for both covid and the flu. So, what was the worst it could be?


Then today, on a lark, I am talking to a good friend, and he suggested I might want to get tested. No problems, I thought; I had 5 of those test kits. So, pulling on out, I downloaded the app and discovered that all five kits were long expired. Well damn, I am only slightly hardheaded, so I doubled down on the Dayquil and took a space on the coach. As the TV watched me, I went in and out of sleep, in and out of dizziness, and the other systems continued …only slightly muted in response to the medication.


Enough, even I can read the tea leaves. And these were not looking good. So, I contacted my doctor and got an appointment at a local Walgreens. After filling out a load of paperwork, I finally got to see a Nurse Practitioner. We chit-chatted while she swabbed my nose and filled out the symptoms. Within 10 minutes, she says -Surprise, you’ve got Covid. I responded -that’s not funny. She said she was not joking. And so, after three years, I have finally succumbed to this era’s dreaded disease. I will be on a crap load of medication, 4 tablets twice daily, for five days. After that, quarantine, then five days after, masked. 

 And the reasons why you've got friends is that they help you see what you are too damn blind, bullheaded, or complacent to see.  Thanks, my friend...

Hey, shat a nice surprise. But I will survive.




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