Surprise -you've got Covid.. . For the past three days, I have had a slight cough, chills, nausea, and body aches. Thinking nothing of I t, just a cold or mild case of the flu, I told myself, so I took some Dayquil and decided to ride it out. I mean, I had all of my shots -and boosters for both covid and the flu. So, what was the worst it could be? Then today, on a lark, I am talking to a good friend, and he suggested I might want to get tested. No problems, I thought; I had 5 of those test kits. So, pulling on out, I downloaded the app and discovered that all five kits were long expired. Well damn, I am only slightly hardheaded, so I doubled down on the Dayquil and took a space on the coach. As the TV watched me, I went in and out of sleep, in and out of dizziness, and the other systems continued …only slightly muted in response to the medication. Enough, even I can read the tea leaves. And these were not looking good. So, I contacted my doctor and got an ap...