Many, called to war, in conflictual situations, or confronted with hostility, feel cornered and frustrated and often latch out.  Feeling trapped, anxieties surface as the cornered individuals/groups project their own doubts, insecurities, and perceived shortcomings on the object of their ire.  And the subject of the attack, not knowing what else to do, retaliates.  The cycles unabated lead to strike and counter-strike, attack and counterattack, until allies from each side are drawn into the conflagration.  And just short of deploying the nuclear option, if the gods, fate, or luck are kind, sanity steps into the room.  Sanity, often a seasoned warrior, knows that if peace does not come and come soon, all hell will break out.  Thus, peacemakers are rarely non-combatants, but they are warriors who know that "the valley of shadow and death" is not paved with goodwill but self-serving conflict avoidance.  


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