American Democracy rejects Hard Right Turn -thanks in large part to women and GenZ

American democracy prevailed as voters rejected the hard right turn espoused by Dodd, Deniers, and Trump.  The failure of Trump's hand-picked sycophants in dozens of Gubernatorial, Senate, and House Seats is a testament that despite violent rhetoric and threats, that reason prevailed.  Perhaps one of the most stunning rejections of the far right came from women and young voters. Across the country, 52 percent of suburban women voted democratic, compared to 47% Republican.  This is directly associated with the Democratic move to protect abortion rights in the closing months of the midterm campaigning.   College-educated women increased significantly (by 9 percentage points from 20 years earlier.  (Oliphant 2022)    Categorized as the GenZ "youthquake" boosted Democratic victories as they pushed back the "Red Wave" many Republicans had predicted would take control.  An estimated surge of young voters 30 percent of youth voted.  In Pennsylvania, Fetterman's win was made possible by voters aged 18 to 24.  A total of 72 percent voted for him, compared to just 59 percent that voted for Biden 2 years earlier. (Clark 2022

Total spending on state and federal midterm elections is expected to exceed 16.7 billion, as GOP outspent Democrats to win Congress control.  (Allison 2022)  A breakdown of corporate spending reveals that some   Chief Executive officers of the S&P 500 did their damndest to influence this election.  Outpacing all others was Red Hastings, co-CEO of Netflix, who spent 3.05 million of his own money to help Democratic candidates.  This is 5 times more than any other CEO.  (Marriner and Reklaitis 2022

According to reports, Trump "is livid" and "screaming at everyone.  We shall monitor him as the country avoids the hard right turn.  


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