Soul, Hip-Hop, and Rap -the conscience of America Strange, whenever there is a conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion -it implies that it is accomplished when White spaces accommodate the token Black, Brown, Red, or Yellow person. Ironically, integration has always been defined as when persons of color come into White Spaces. But when Whites were required to come into Black spaces, they fled. White flight, often paid for with public funds (HUD/FHA), has historically produced and continues to produce "Vanilla suburbs and Chocolate cities." In our modern era, gentrification preserves White spaces by displacing poor Blacks. But Whites have always had a strange fascination for all things Black, Brown, Red, or Yellow. Voyeuristic excursions into the ghettos were and continue to be in vogue. They called it slumming, checking out the "Dark" villages, their music, culture, and essence -but only for a moment, only for the night. In these moments -White Americ...