Blues - a tonic for whatever ails you. B.B. King is quoted as saying, "Blues is a tonic for whatever ails you." I am reminded of a skit on the Flip Wilson show. In this skit, Flip Wilson played a club owner looking for an entertainer to sing and play the Blues. One of the applicants was white, and he said, "Everybody knows the Negro gave the Blues to America." His wife (in the "Geraldine" voice) said, "Jus' a minute, honey! The Negro didn't give the Blues to America. America gave the Blues to the Negro." And so it is; it has not been a bed of roses for blacks here in America. Early on many Sunday mornings, as my Mother and her sons prepared to go to church, I would dress while listening to B.B. King and other Blues songs. I remember my mom asking, in frustration once," Son, it's Sunday morning; must you play the blues." My response makes me feel good. Why? Racial trauma historically has been ignored, submerged u...